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Meeting Maja Klarić

Na web stranicama Osnovne škole Ivana Gorana Kovačića Vrbovsko (Our English Corner) objavljen je pisani zapis Meeting Maja Klarić, uz fotografije. Susret s putopjesnikinjom upriličen je 4. prosinca 2018. u ŽTŠ Moravice.

Zahvaljujemo učenicima i nastavnicima Područne škole Nikole Tesle Moravice, koji su, eto, bili dio Majinih putovanja „korak po korak“. Hvala dragoj kolegici Davorki Nekić, profesorici engleskog jezika, na radoznalosti, podršci i zanimanju za sve naše aktivnosti.

Sretno i doviđenja do novih susreta!


Meeting Maja Klarić

On December 4th  we were cordially invited to our neighbouring secondary school - Railway Technical school to meet Maja Klarić, famous Croatian poet-traveller. Maja Klarić was born in Šibenik where she finished primary and secondary school after which she moved to the capital where she graduated from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Studies. She holds a degree in the English language and literature as well as the comparative literature. She started writing poetry almost 10 years ago. Like many young artists, she also sent her poems to many contests and luckily for her, the Trieste contest was a winner. For the first time, she got a chance to meet poets from different sides of the worlds. Today, she has got several published collections of traveller's poetry for which she is well-known in our homeland.

She talked about her travelling, both physical as well as psychological (travelling deep into yourself). 2013 was a very difficult year for her considering she had lost her sister Dijana that year so the first voyage after that was like a grey zone to Maja - neither too good nor too bad. Somewhere in between.

She also read some of her poems, one of which is in the primary school students' book for the Croatian language.

Maja is looking forward to new voyages, new poems, new friends. We wish her the best of luck in her travels.

We would also like to thank teacher Željka Vrcelj for inviting us to come to the Railway Technical school and meet Maja. It was a privilege to meet her and that experience certainly enriched us all.

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objavio: Željka Vrcelj   datum: 5. 12. 2018.

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